对于金属乐迷来说Roadrunner Records是如雷贯耳的名字,可以称得上是重金属流派中的最佳厂牌。不过Roadrunner从1980年成立以来,也和许多老厂牌一样饱受诟病:他们越来越只对主流风格感兴趣,更乐意发展潮流乐队,而底下的经典老乐队忽视和冷待。于是像Obituary, Death, Pestilence等老兵不是因为受到忽视而离开就是被厂牌抛弃。在部分人眼里这可能是“聪明”的做法,无论如何,他们现在旗下的艺人充斥着来自世界各地的金属大牌。但即便是金属文化的中流砥柱也不得不对金钱妥协,2006年,华纳的部分收购就是一个兆头,2010年,华纳宣布收购剩余股份。而在今年4月26日,更悲剧的事情发生,华纳宣布大幅消减Roadrunner在全球的业务,厂牌在UK和加拿大的分部都被关闭,而荷兰的办公室也即将被扫地关门。
本来Roadrunner作为一个主流的金属厂牌就不那么被资深金属党们看好,Sumerian的创始人Ash Advilsen最近更是公开在Facebook上表示:“我这些心爱的厂牌Ferret, Trustkill,现在又轮到Roadrunner,一个个都被主流厂牌同化和拆散。这也是为什么我将永远不会卖掉自己厂牌的原因,对我来说家人、朋友才是最重要的,而不是银行里的那些数字……”但如此的“没落”也是让金属党们不愿意看到,甚至有些愤怒的。1998年就签约Roadrunner旗下Slipknot更是有话要说,打击乐手,6号小丑M.Shawn Cranhan就公开发表了他的态度,可以说是剖心泣血:
“Today is a sad day. It has been brought to my attention that many Roadrunner offices around the world have been closed permanently. This means to us, Slipknot, in my opinion that a lot of our very close friends and comrades will no longer be around to help the art and business known as the Slipknot family.
This is very disheartening because our whole career has consisted of being involved with this personal family. This comes as very shocking news and in my opinion only, this is completely unwarranted and unacceptable. Money should not dictate art. Art should dictate money.
It only proves that the business side of things dominates the art side of things and again in my opinion art is what changes the world. Everyone who no longer works with Slipknot will be greatly missed and as far as I’m concerned things will never ever be the same.
I personally will not let anybody new into the vision of art because the art has been supported by so many from the beginning of my career to now. Things will never ever be the same. My heart hurts for my friends all around the world and for their families and I know that all things that are meant to be will come back around.
All I can say at this point from the bottom of my heart is THANK YOU for everything you have ever done for our band Slipknot, our families, and other bands who have been trying to live out their dreams. I’m sorry and we love you all. The music industry as a whole will always continue to fail but the love for art and music will always be on an up rise.
And because of this art will always need people who understand it. Now that the wheel is being expected to change everyone should know outside the family that the wheel known as Slipknot will become bigger, stronger, and more dangerous than ever.
It will have no sympathy and no forgiveness and will roll over all the wrongdoing. This is simply unbelievable to me. In fact it is everything that is wrong with the world today. You will all stay in my mind and my soul and my art and I will continue to reach out and remain as close as possible to as many of you as possible as I can.
The experiences that I have had with you over the years have been part of the dream and have made the dream a reality, something that I have dreamt of since I was a child. Thank you for pushing me as hard as you have over the years so that I could be the best that I can be for our culture.
这些年和你们在一起的时光就像是我梦想的一部分,并让我的梦想成为了现实—— 我儿时就有的梦想。感谢你们这么多年来一直督促我,使得我能在我们的文化中尽可能地做到最棒。
As you know I want my dream to be aligned with people who believe as passionately as we do and will continue to every step of the way. Things will never be the same from this day on and I am tired of things always changing in this business because of politics and people that have not taken the time to fulfill the duty to understand us as an art form representing a culture that is one of a kind and more importantly as people with families ourselves.
I also know how important these people who no longer will be working with Slipknot and Roadrunner are and how much of a difference they made to the most important people of all – the fans. I believe the fans should also be able to voice their opinion as well if the industry is going to continue making the decisions they have based on my life, our art, and our fans.
Please feel obligated to voice that opinion on our page and give the respect to those who have helped with the vision of Slipknot. Again I am very very very sorry. You are in my thoughts and prayers now forever. I will always consider you close friends and I will make every attempt to stay in touch with as many of you as possible.
And if I had my way we would align our forces for our culture to continue what is most important and that is the art and philosophy of Slipknot.
Thank you for everything from the bottom of my heart. Your friend, your brother – The Clown.
从内心深处感谢你们所付出的一切。你的朋友,你的兄弟 —— 小丑。
This is not the end.”
喂喂 最后一张大家都没觉得有什么不妥吗??!!