喜欢这支活宝团体不仅仅是因为他们够带劲的音乐,还有让人笑到肚痛的歌词和舞台表现。离上张专辑《Incredibad》已有差不多两年,The Lonely Island 再次携手众多明星,高喊着“We’re Back”“The world needs us”, 为新专辑《Turtleneck & Chain》打了一个不错的开头,
Lonely Island – We’re Back
率先推出的两首单曲中与Beck 和Snoop Dogg合作,曲风一如既往的闹腾,歌词一如既往的无厘头。 The Lonely Island feat. Snoop Dogg – Turtleneck & Chain by refresher.sk The Lonely Island w Beck – Attracted to Us by barbadetres
1. “We’re Back!”
2. “Mama
3. “I Just Had Sex” (featuring Akon)
4. “Jack Sparrow” (featuring Michael Bolton)
5. “Attracted to Us” (featuring Beck)
6. “Rocky”
7. “My Mic – Interlude”
8. “Turtleneck & Chain” (featuring Snoop Dogg)
9. “Shy Ronnie 2: Ronnie & Clyde” (featuring Rihanna)
10. “Trouble on Dookie Island”
11. “Falcor vs. Atreyu – Classy Skit #1”
12. “Motherlover” (featuring Justin Timberlake)
13. “The Creep” (featuring Nicki Minaj and John Waters)
14. “Watch Me Do Me – Classy Skit #2”
15. “Threw It on the Ground”
16. “Japan”
17. “After Party” (featuring Santigold)
18. “No Homo”
19. “No Homo Outro”
20. “Reba (Two Worlds Collide)” (featuring Kenan Thompson, iTunes bonus track)