还记得高中时代反复听的Only One和Breathing吗?除了马上要来中国演出的Sum 41和Simple Plan, 我们心水的流行朋克乐队Yellowcard也将在今年9月来上海和北京演出。这个夏天还能再棒一点吗?
无解有幸采访到了主唱Ryan Key,虽然他似乎有点吝惜自己的回答,有些问题也没有正面回复,但无解仍然十分感谢乐队能在忙碌的巡演、采访中抽出时间来回答我们的问题。至于他的答复怎么样,由你自己来评定吧。
另,感谢我的两位叫Ryan的好友为无解贡献问题(一位是无解曾经的演出编辑Ryan Yang,另一位是Emosummer的编辑Ryan Lee,他们都是Yellowcard的资深乐迷,资深到名字都和主唱一样了),我可以保证这里大多数的问题你绝对不会在其他采访或资料中看到。我们同时也在召集国内的朋克、摇滚音乐站点为此次Yellowcard演出做推广,如果你觉得你的网站/论坛,甚至淘宝有足够多的用户,欢迎和我们联系: jq@spli-t.com
无解:W | Ryan Key: R
R: We all just felt like we had taken the time we needed away from the band to refocus and were ready to get back to work.(我们只是都觉得我们已经休息了足够多的时间,该是时间来重新专注,回到工作上来了)
W: 除了乐队在制作专辑时彼此相隔很远,还有其他什么困难需要克服吗?
R:I think we all had our own personal issues to sort out while we were off. For me it was important to surround myself with family and just get my feet on the ground.(我们一直都有些个人问题需要解决。对我来说,和家人团聚、重新回到现实中来非常重要。)
R:We view this as a fresh start so we wanted a new logo to go along with it. I think this is my favorite we have ever had. I would expect it to stay.(我们把它作为一个新的开始,所以用了新的Logo. 我觉得这是乐队目前为止最好的,也希望继续保持下去)
W:你们签约了新的厂牌——Hopeless Records,和之前的比起来,你觉得在制作、推广音乐上,这两个厂牌最大的区别是什么?
R:Being on an independent label, I think the only negative thing compared to the major is that there is less money being spent. However, having a team of people like Hopeless who believe in your band and are so personally invested in the project makes up for that in my opinion. (在我看来,独立厂牌唯一不利的地方在于和商业厂牌相比可用预算更少。但是,Hopeless的团队有更相信你、并且全身心投入你的乐队的优势,恰好弥补了这一不足。)
R: We are not going to do that. We play guitars and drums and make rock music. Occasionally there will be a subtle drum loop or something underneath a section of a song, but we will never feature electronic instruments or beats in our music. (我们不会在音乐中加入电子。我们只用吉他、鼓来做我们的摇滚乐。偶尔会在歌曲的某一部分有些不易察觉的drum loop,但我们以后永远不会在音乐中加入电子成分或者beats)
R:Never. I was determined to pull through that time in my life. That surgery really opened my eyes to how poorly I was treating my body and has helped me stay focused on my career ever since. (从没想过。当时我决定一定要度过这个难关。那次手术真的让我体会到之前对身体是多么不注意,而且也让我从此更加认真地专注自己的事业了。)
W: 在Silverstien的新歌里Ryan Key客串了一把,这次合作是怎么来的?将来还有和其他兄弟乐队一起合作的打算吗?
R:They asked Hopeless to contact me to be a part of the song and I was happy to do it. It is cool to work with other bands and artists and I am always open to the opportunity. (他们叫Hopeless联系我来合作,我也非常乐意加入。能和其他乐队/音乐人一起合作是非常酷的事,我一直都很欢迎这种机会)
R:We play a lot of soccer and watch a lot of movies. Our standard end of tour prank is to get everyone on the tour to come on stage with a guitar and rock out for the last song of whichever band is playing. (我们经常踢球,看许多片子。我们最常做的演出恶作剧是让所有巡演的人都拿着吉他上台来,直接冲到最后演出乐队的舞台上去疯狂一把。)
R:I think we want them to have the music. If that is the only way they can access it then what can we do. We just want them to know the songs when we come play. (我只想让他们能听到我们的歌,即便这是唯一的方法。我们只想在演出时他们能知道这些歌。)
R:We will be playing something from almost every record and we will give them everything we’ve got up there.(我们会从每一张专辑中都挑选一些,我们会给他们我们目前所有的一切。)
R:I am still researching to see what I plan to do while I am there. I definitely hope I have time to see some things other than the venue. (我仍然在寻找有什么可以玩的,我特别希望能有时间去看看除了演出场地外的其他地方)
R:I just can’t believe we are coming to play shows there. I started playing in bands when I was a teenager. I never dreamed I’d be going to China to play rock music. (我只是真的不敢相信我们能在中国演出。我就是从青年时期开始玩乐队的。我从未梦想过自己有一天能到中国来演摇滚乐。)
R:I think that is it. We are off to Australia from there. (没有其他地方了,之后我们就去澳大利亚巡演)
R:We are just starting to talk about writing some stuff, but it is definitely still time to focus on When You’re Through Thinking, Say Yes right now.(我们刚开始讨论写些东西,但仍然会专注于我们的新专辑《When You’re Through Thinking Say Yes》)
如果你想了解更多关于Yellowcard 此次中国行的动态,请密切留意我们的豆瓣小站。
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